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March 2009 RVC Column

(Written and posted 02/10/09)

Northwest Passages

RVC Column for March Newsletters in Region 8
by John Recht, Region 8 RVC

As I said in my December column, the AMC has taken a giant leap forward in the strategic planning process this term, and the momentum of our efforts continues to build. At this time the Planning Committee is taking comments and suggestions about the draft Strategic Plan, which we hope to have approved by the AMC at our March meeting. Following the approval of the Strategic Plan, we will take additional steps to change the way we operate so that the board of directors will be spending a great deal more time making knowledge-based strategic decisions, and a lot less micromanaging and engaging in what has been called "administrivia."

Here is how you can help, right now. Please read the draft Strategic Plan that follows, and then send me your comments and suggestions at rvc8@us.mensa.org. I will incorporate your ideas in our Planning Committee discussions and make sure that we do not overlook any issues of importance to the membership as we follow the plan. Visit www.us.mensa.org/planning to find out more about our strategic planning efforts. Thanks for your help with this important work and for your continued support to keep Mensa healthy and growing stronger.


Create a stimulating intellectual and social environment for the most intelligent people.

To identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity by encouraging research in the nature, characteristics and uses of intelligence and by providing a stimulating intellectual and social environment for its members.

(Core values are essential and enduring tenets of the organization — a small set of timeless guiding principles.)

Intelligence benefiting humanity:
Demonstrated by support of initiatives that advance the use of intelligence in solving problems and seizing opportunities.

Valuing ideas and individualism:
Demonstrated by celebration of the power of differing views, admiration for independent thought, and appreciation of well-intentioned and informed criticism.

Intellectual integrity:
Demonstrated by organizational dedication to ethical, truthful and evidence-based decision-making.

Demonstrated by commitment to providing opportunities for fellowship among a global community of common interests.

To be widely recognized as the premier community for intelligent people seeking intellectual challenge, respect for intelligence and the opportunity to collectively benefit humanity.


1. MEMBERSHIP: American Mensa will be a thriving, progressive organization with members who find participation rewarding and valuable.
A. Increase membership numbers.
B. Increase member satisfaction (recognition, products, services).
C. Increase diversity within the membership.

2. GOVERNANCE: The association will be structured, governed and managed efficiently, effectively and with transparency.
A. Increase understanding about roles, responsibilities and relationships among the board of directors, committees, National Office staff and Local Groups.
B. Eliminate unhealthy conflict within the board.
C. Decrease barriers to effective work and decision systems.

3. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Leaders at every level will feel confident in their roles and will practice inspired leadership.
A. Increase the numbers of members willing to serve in elected and appointed positions.
B. Improve leader effectiveness and confidence.
C. Attract younger members to leadership roles.

4. PUBLIC AWARENESS: American Mensa will be recognized as an intellectually stimulating organization whose members use their intelligence to better their communities.
A. Decrease incorrect use of the Mensa brand.
B. Raise public awareness about the mission of American Mensa.
C. Increase the prestige of being a member.

5. FINANCE: Sufficient funds will exist for American Mensa to accomplish its goals.
A. Increase non-dues revenue.
B. Decrease the financial burden of protecting the Mensa name and marks internationally.